
Published on September 26th, 2015 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez


What You Need To Know About Diesel Powered Cars

Diesel technology is constantly being improved, however some Governments have pressured car companies way too much for lower emissions and this move has ‘forced’ many car companies to push technology boundaries even before they are ready for market launch to get sales in. Car manufacturers like Volkswagen already have great engines and low emissions with excellent fuel economy, but with tough local government legislation pushing them hard, their hands have been forced to do what they did……….we should look at the bigger picture………..American car manufacturers do not have cars with diesel power……..Volkswagen and their group…Audi, Porsche and Skoda lead in this area (diesel engines) and they will definitely sell more cars and leave the American car manufacturers reeling in the back ground.

If you are thinking of buying a new diesel powered car, please compare the pros and cons of diesel-powered vehicles which we are presenting here. Consider these facts to help you decide between a diesel-powered engine and a petrol-powered one:

  • PRO: Diesels get great mileage. They typically deliver 25 to 30% better fuel economy than similarly performing petrol engines and about 15 to 25% better than hybrid powered car (considering the different types of hybrids in the market today).
  • CON: Diesel fuel is used for commercial trucks, home and industrial generators, and heating oil, so as demand for diesel passenger vehicles grows, the price of diesel fuel is likely to continue to rise to be on par with petrol prices because of competition from those other users.
  • PRO: Diesel fuel is one of the most efficient and energy dense fuels available today. Because it contains more usable energy than petrol, it delivers better fuel economy.
  • CON: Although diesel fuel is considered more efficient because it converts heat into energy rather than sending the heat out the tailpipe as petrol-powered vehicles do but the resulting black smoke emitting from the tailpipe and the foul smell takes the advantage away.
  • PRO: Diesels have no spark plugs or distributors. Therefore, they never need ignition tune-ups.
  • CON: Diesels still need regular maintenance to keep them running. You have to change the oil and the air, oil, and fuel filters. Cleaner diesel fuels no longer require you to bleed excess water out of the system, but many vehicles still have water separators that need to be emptied manually.
  • PRO: Diesel engines are built more ruggedly to withstand the rigors of higher compression. Consequently, they usually go much longer than petrol-powered vehicles before they require major repairs. Mercedes-Benz holds the longevity record with several vehicles clocking more than 900,000 miles on their original engines! You may not want to hang onto the same vehicle for 900,000 miles, but longevity and dependability like that can sure help with trade-in and resale values.
  • CON: If you neglect the maintenance and the fuel injection system breaks down, you may have to pay a diesel mechanic more money because diesel engines are more technologically advanced. Diesel pumps need regular servicing depending on the quality of diesel being used to run the vehicle daily.
  • PRO: Because of the way it burns fuel, a diesel engine provides far more torque to the driveshaft than does a gasoline engine. As a result, most modern diesel passenger cars are much faster from a standing start than their petrol-powered counterparts. What’s more, diesel-powered trucks, SUVs, and cars also can out-tow petrol-powered vehicles while still delivering that improved fuel economy.

GM Chevrolet-Malibu_2014


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