
Published on October 6th, 2017 | by Amirul Mukminin


Goodyear Malaysia Continues to Support St. John Ambulance Malaysia for the Eleventh Year

Goodyear Malaysia continues to provide support for the public health and safety services in Malaysia by donating high performance and quality tyres to St. John Ambulance of Malaysia for the eleventh consecutive year.

Goodyear first sponsored St. John Ambulance Malaysia back in 2006. This year, it is sponsoring 16 new sets of Durasport tyres, which will be fitted to St John Ambulance’s Toyota Hiace vehicles.

As part of Goodyear’s Shared Values in caring for the environment and communities, this initiative represents the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) value which focuses on the improvement and betterment of the wellbeing of the local communities where the company’s operations are based.

“Goodyear Malaysia has always held St. John Ambulance in high esteem due to their contributions to the society. We share the same values in striving to provide quality support to the community, and recognize St. John Ambulance’s efforts in providing emergency medical aid service. Therefore, we at Goodyear are proud that our tires have played a part in serving those in need throughout this eleven-year milestone,” said Ben Hoge, Managing Director of Goodyear

St. John Ambulance started in the early days of the Industrial Revolution, addressing the needs of the sick and the injured, and bringing them to hospitals for immediate attention. In addition to rendering first-aid and home nursing services, the organization also carries out community projects such as mass Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training, Citizen Action and Response in Emergencies (CARE), and other initiatives. Through volunteer services and the assistance of individuals and corporations, such as Goodyear, St. John Ambulance will be able to advance towards its vision of being a well-organized body that is dedicated to the service of mankind.

“Goodyear’s continuous support has certainly contributed to our cause in ensuring a smoother and safer drive as we respond to first aid emergencies. For eleven years, their tires have been a trusted component for our ambulances in carrying out our operations, and we look forward to these new set of tyres in continuing to assist us in the future”, said Dato’ Yeo Kim Thong, St. John Ambulance of Malaysia – State Commander of Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Through Goodyear Malaysia’s community outreach program, help and support are extended to organizations with a focus on improving safety and wellbeing in the form of scholarships, in-kind donations, grants, as well as volunteer opportunities for Goodyear associates. Other organizations that the company has supported include the Spastic Children’s Association, the Malaysian Association for the Blind, the Independent Living and Training Centre, the National Kidney Foundation, and Mercy Malaysia.

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