What Is The Value Of The EEV Certificate In Malaysia?
With more than 2.5 million battery-powered cars already running on China’s roads and with the price of the battery powered cars falling rapidly, battery powered cars and its technology is unstoppable and we have to start embracing it. We …. meaning us Malaysians.
In Malaysia, the situation is rather different. We keep promoting the use of petrol and diesel powered vehicles with no real value incentives accorded to electric vehicles.

Instead the incentives offered in Malaysia are only for ‘EEV’ vehicle (energy efficient vehicles) which allows for certain government agencies to take advantage of the handing out of the EEV certificate which allows a small tax discount to petrol and diesel powered vehicles.
In time, very soon, all new petrol and diesel vehicles sold in Malaysia will have this ‘important’ EEV certificate and the adoption of electric vehicles will fall short once again.
Do not worry. There will still be many MOU’s signed and webinar’s organized to discuss the future of electric vehicles (EV) in Malaysia and how important it is for our society and air quality. That’s about as far as it goes for the foreseeable future.
Let’s face it readers, we cannot even get our water quality to be on par with global standards and water pollution seems to be the buzz word in recent times.

Let us look at the benefits brought forward by MESTECC (Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change) and the MOT (Ministry Of Transport) that have been ‘officially’ championing the cause for EV adoption and EEVs in Malaysia for some years.
Then on the other hand, there is the Ministry of Finance which is the decision maker for all taxation and excise duties in Malaysia and they seem to be waiting for everyone else to come forward with a proposal that makes sense for our two national car companies, Proton (which in theory is NO longer a national car brand) and Perodua to start their electric vehicle production and sales.
Meanwhile there is ‘talk’ about the third Malaysian national car which will be an electric vehicle. This we can look into our ‘crystal ball’ to see will never happen and instead there will be millions in ‘government grants’ handed to the ‘connected’ people involved in this awesome project to produce a prototype and then after years of ‘research and development’ there will be a huge sigh from all parties and it will be end up just like Proton, sold to a foreign partner looking at a easy entry into the Malaysian ‘customized incentives’ program for car manufacturers which will allow them to ‘import’ their EV’s into Malaysia without any tax and charge a handsome selling price with a huge profit with the claim to start ‘transfer technology’ and start ‘local assembly ‘in Malaysia.
Remember the formation of Proton which resulted in the current high excise duties of all other cars (not Perodua) that were aimed at protecting our fledging automobile manufacturing industry? Well, similar tactics are being used for electric vehicle sales progress.
Meanwhile there will be a group of motoring bloggers hired to be their keyboard warriors to challenge any negative comments coming online from ‘DSF.my’ and some other like minded motoring writers.
The journey continues.