News pavement

Published on November 28th, 2023 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez


Where Are Our Pavement Walkways Today

Pavement walkways have become restaurants and Malaysians are forced to walk on high traffic roads …… endangering their lives.

This in turn creates traffic jams as vehicles crawl to avoid pedestrians walking on the roads (when they should be walking on the pavement walkways). So. How much corruption is going over to town council authorities to allow food stall owners to turn pedestrian pavements into full fledged restaurants.

How long can we tolerate this high corrupt practices?

Plus …… where is all the food waste going? Into drains that get clogged and cause floods that create millions of ringgit if damage whenever rain hits hard.

The domino effect is increasing. #towncouncil #yumsforyourtums #macc. #PerikatanNasional

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