Automotive Dashcam

Published on May 16th, 2024 | by Sounder Rajen


YB Loke Says No Plans To Make Dashcams Mandatory, Is This Good Though?

Based on my experience, I think dashcams are more necessary than we think

Transport Minister Anthony Loke recently addressed the topic of making dashcams (dashboard cameras) mandatory in all vehicles in the country, confirming that there are no current plans to enforce such a regulation. Some may like this, others, like myself, do not, as I feel that dashcams are more important than many people realise.


During a media engagement session, Loke acknowledged that while the Ministry of Transport had received several suggestions advocating for mandatory dashcam installation, stating, “We encourage the installation of dashcams, especially in vehicles directly from manufacturers. If vehicle manufacturers can install them in their new cars, we will strongly support it. However, as of now, we have not made it a mandatory requirement.” Loke stated. 

Moreover, the media session also featured Ministry of Transport deputy secretary-general (Policy) Datuk Normah Osman, Road Transport Department deputy director-general (Planning and Operations) Aedy Fadly Ramli, Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) editor-in-chief Arul Rajoo Durar Raj, and Bernama News Service executive editor Mohd Haikal Isa.


Loke further emphasised the potential benefits of dashcams for bus operators, suggesting that these devices could serve as valuable evidence in the event of road accidents. “Dashcam footage can be crucial in determining fault and responsibility during accidents,” he noted. This push for increased dashcam usage comes in the wake of alarming road accident statistics.

On top of that, according to Loke, there were 600,000 road accidents in the past year, resulting in over 6,500 fatalities. “The statistics show a daily death rate of 15 to 17 people, which is a significant and concerning number. Each death is a tragedy for us at the ministry because these accidents are preventable.”

a dashcam would be handy in many situations

The minister underscored the need for the public to adopt better driving habits, emphasising that increased vigilance and adherence to road regulations could substantially reduce the risk of accidents. He expressed hope that drivers would take a more proactive approach to road safety to mitigate these tragedies.

While practising safe driving is indeed a good preventative measure, this is merely a pipe dream here in Malaysia given my current experience. After all, with motorcyclists riding on the highway like they own it and teenagers blasting past everyone in their dad’s Toyota Camry at 200km/h, the presence of a dashcam has never been more important.

We got all this from Bernama and their full article is linked here. Thank you Bernama for the information and images.

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