The Munich II public prosecutor today issued an administrative order against AUDI AG in its capacity as affected party in the context of deviations from regulatory requirements in certain V6 and V8 diesel aggregates and diesel vehicles manufactured or distributed by AUDI AG.

According to the results obtained by the Munich II public prosecutor, these breaches of monitoring duties were concurrent causes of certain V6 and V8 diesel aggregates developed by AUDI AG not meeting regulatory requirements; also, AUDI AG failed to discover that diesel engines of the types EA 288 (Gen3), in the United States and in Canada, and EA 189, world-wide, that were produced by Volkswagen AG were advertised, sold to customers, and placed on the market with an impermissible software function in the period from 2004 and continuing to have an effect until 2018.
Following thorough examination, AUDI AG accepted the fine and it will not lodge an appeal against it. By doing so, AUDI AG admits its responsibility for its illegal actions and inactions.
that’s what happens when you try to skip the law regulations. but the damage is already done! despite the monstrous fine (or at least for me these 900 million euros are a monstrous sum of money) i do not believe this would stop the manufacturers from fulfilling their calculations..