It is the 60th anniversary of the three-point safety belt which was invented by an employee of Volvo Car Sweden and the company released the seat belt technology to the world for FREE as it was a great life saving device and now Volvo Car Malaysia wants to keep Malaysians safe on the road by promoting the use of seatbelts, for front and also rear passengers.
Volvo Car Malaysia, the premium car maker, has reaffirmed its commitment to safety by launching the #SafeDrive with Volvo Car Malaysia road safety campaign which is aimed at raising awareness on the importance of using safety belts for all car occupants.
“All automotive safety technologies rely on the three-point safety belt as a reference point. Without the safety belt, any protective or preventive features in a car could become ineffective. The misconception that the public have is that airbags, crash structures, and active safety systems alone are enough to protect in-car occupants; this is of course, inaccurate,” explained Mr Nalin Jain, Managing Director of Volvo Car Malaysia.

The three-point safety belt was invented by Volvo engineer, Nils Bohlin, in 1959, and became the single most important safety innovation ever introduced in cars. Noting the significance of the device, Volvo Cars gave the patent away, so it could be fitted to any car from any manufacturer – based on internal data collected by Volvo Cars since the 1960s, it has been estimated that the three-point safety belt has saved more than a million lives.