
Published on July 5th, 2019 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez


Car rides up power pole. How did this happen?

Pictures of this compact car riding up backwards on an electricity pole somewhere in Sarawak is circulating online this morning and there is no explanation on how this happened or how the driver of this compact car managed to get the car up the pole at an angle like this without tipping the car over.

The force to ‘push’ this little car up the pole at this angle could only have happened if the driver was reversing at a high speed and still it would have just wrecked the rear hatch and bumper and stopped the car dead at the edge of the pole. Riding up the pole at this angle when the pole is at a very steep angle just does not make sense at all and it just defies driving logic.

The mystery needs to be solved and we are hoping that one of our readers sharing this picture will be able to share with us and our readers details on this very unusual mishap.

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