
Published on August 11th, 2020 | by Amirul Mukminin


Harsher Punishment for Using Phone While Driving

Drivers using their phones while at the wheel have become an increasingly common sight in this part of the world. This is awful because this irresponsible act raises the risk for accidents and endangers not only the driver but other road users as well.

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In an effort to put a stop to this misbehaviour, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has announced that using mobile phones while driving is now considered a non-compoundable offence under Rule 17A, LN 166/59 and offenders will be required to appear in court to settle their case.

According to a post on the PDRM official Facebook page, this harsher action is taken as many Malaysians continue to disregard the law in relation to phone use while driving.

If convicted, the offenders can be punished with a fine of up to RM1,000 or face jail time of up to three months. Second-time offenders are subject to more severe penalty in the form of a fine of up to RM2,000 or imprisonment of up to six months, or both.

What do you think of this move by PDRM? Is it necessary or way too harsh for such offence?

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