Published on June 13th, 2022 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez
0Why The Malaysian Road Tax Does Not Last
Our road tax does not stick properly and sometimes it does not even last a few weeks.
This has been an ongoing issue for years and even after so many Malaysians have complained to the road transport department and even went online with videos and angry statements, there seems to be no effort to look into a better product or even to change the road tax sticker vendor.
Yes, we want to know who the JPJ vendor is and how much effort have they put into research and development to get this road tax sticker to work properly.
Meanwhile, Malaysian car owners have been creative in finding ways to make their road tax sticker work properly with tint window film cut to size and used as a backing to ensure the sticker stays clean, firm and readable for 12 months.
This is what we have been doing for years and every year for all four cars in our garage we need to visit our ‘friendly’ window tint shop and trouble them for some off cut tint material to paste on our windscreen.
Then there are some creative products sold online for road tax stickers to be pasted on to prevent peeling and disintegrating. All this costs money and time and why should car owners be subjected to this when we are already paying yearly for our road tax sticker?
There is also another common solution which is to laminate the road tax sticker, but this is also added cost and time wasted because of a shoddy product being ‘forced’ on to millions of car owners yearly.
Decades ago when the simple paper road tax disc was replaced with this sticker, it was easy to peel and easy to stick on and it never gave any trouble.
Then some years later, it seems that the vendor was changed or perhaps the current vendor decided to use a cheaper material and also glue and this was the start of a cheap unusable road tax sticker.
So, when will our Malaysian road tax sticker be produced to some acceptable quality? When will we see the end of disintegrating stickers? When we will get value for money from shoddy government vendors?
We wait and see. If enough Malaysian share this article and enough ‘noise’ is made, we could see a change this year perhaps? Or not?