Audi CEO, Markus Duesmann, stated this at the Ludwig Erhard Summit
So with electrification phasing out many internal combustion engine (ICE) cars in favour of electric vehicles (EVs), many in the automotive industry are now divided. While some seem to think ICE cars should not be completely removed, some people, like Audi CEO, Markus Duesmann think electrification is a good opportunity.

Okay, so at the Ludwig Erhard Summit, Audi CEO, Markus Duesmann, spoke at a panel during the second day of the event with a keynote on sustainable mobility and overall, while so many in the industry talk about ICE vs EV and the pros and cons of both, he sees the transition as an opportunity, especially for Germany.
Moreover, for those who are unfamiliar, the Ludwig Erhard Summit is an annual get-together of opinion leaders and decision-makers from the worlds of business and politics organized by the Weimer Media Group. The two-day event was also hosted in Gmund am Tegernsee, Germany this year.

While I cannot include every single piece of insightful information Audi CEO, Markus Duesmann shared, the gist of it is this, as far as sustainable mobility goes, he stated, “In 2021, Audi was the first carmaker to set a firm phase-out date for internal combustion engine technology. Now, political moves like the Inflation Reduction Act in the U.S. confirm we are on the right track.”
Meanwhile, on the topic of energy transition in Germany, Audi CEO, Markus Duesmann, said, “Climate change is forcing our hand in switching to renewable energy sources as fast as we can, with the war in the Ukraine yet another catalyst in moving away from fossil fuel imports. We need to turbocharge the energy transition in Germany.”

“In addition to developing new technologies, we (Audi) also need new ideas for the energy transition on a public-private partnership level, both concerning energy generation and storage.” He added.
On top of that, Audi CEO, Markus Duesmann, shared that in terms of internal competitiveness, “High industrial electricity prices weigh heavily on companies. These prices threaten Germany’s status as a business location. Discounted rates would help keep jobs safe.”

The Audi CEO concluded with, “The energy transition is a great opportunity for Germany and Europe to become even more competitive. Based on cutting-edge sustainable technologies, we can develop an independent European position, one we can represent on the global market. The way we see it, protecting the climate and increasing exports are in no way mutually exclusive. Rather, they are our USP.”
So what do you guys think about all this? Do you think Malaysian car brands can see the energy shift this way and also use this chance to become more competitive like Audi or is it already too late for us?

We got all this from the Audi Media Centre and their full article is linked here. Thank you Audi for the information and images.