Published on December 16th, 2016 | by Amirul Mukminin
0Toyota Classics Engaging Youth with Contribution of Over RM380,000
In upholding its long tradition of bringing world-class musicians to Malaysia, UMW Toyota Motor conducted the 2016 Toyota Classics performance on 2 November 2016 at the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, Kuala Lumpur.
This year’s Toyota Classic featured the resounding performance by the Baltic Neopolis Orchestra, from Poland, under the masterful baton of its artistic director and violinist, Vasko Vassilev, and pianist and composer Pamela Tan Nicholson.
Initiated as a unique way to raise funds for the underprivileged, the event has evolved into a much-awaited event for the musically discerning, who are delighted to know that their contribution will make a difference to society.
The company was delighted that this year’s proceeds from ticket sales and corporate donations amounted over RM380,000 which was more than its initial projected target.
The proceeds were channeled to two organizations for specific purposes. The first recipient – UiTM Faculty of Music will utilize the fund donated for a research project to create, preserve and conserve bamboo as one of the musical instruments through (music) composition, performance and education.
While the second recipient – Youth Trust Foundation will use it as Youth Grant to selected recipients to projects identified by their management team that meet UMW Toyota Motor criteria of benefiting youths, sustainable and has high impact to the community.
Toyota Classics is one of UMW Toyota Motor’s main pillars of Corporate Social Responsibility. Over the last two decades, the event has developed a life of its own, with performances by different orchestras and beneficiaries. Yet the philosophy behind it remains, which is to allow Malaysians to enjoy an enchanting night of music, at the same time donate to charity.