Published on July 11th, 2018 | by Daniel Sherman Fernandez
0Open Approved Permits….should be OPEN To All Malaysians
Should we not have a open and fair AP (approved permit) system (take the Singapore Certificate Of Entitlement {COE} system where the sale of each COE benefits the government account and not a private account) where the Ministry of Trade and Industry issues the AP’s to car importers and collect the AP fee (RM18,000 to RM20,000) themselves which goes back into the government for better medical and education system or even transportation system which benefits the population at large and not select individuals?
Think of the many car brands that have invested millions in factories in Pekan, Butterworth and Juru, in training and after sales and then an AP importer brings in a similar product, yes a few years older and sells it with no warranty, no after sales and no product recalls.
Current AP holders say that the system has ‘helped to keep the automotive industry competitive’……..we are trying hard to see how it has kept the Malaysian automotive industry competitive’. We want your views please….yes or no? To the open AP system and maybe now it really should be open to all Malaysians.