Automotive Pos Aviation

Published on November 11th, 2023 | by Sounder Rajen


Pos Aviation Starts EV Trial At KLIA Terminals 1 & 2

Pos Aviation takes this bold step towards sustainability to ferry people at KLIA

Pos Aviation, a leading player in airport ground handling services, is embarking on a groundbreaking journey towards sustainability and innovation with the initiation of a proof of concept (POC) involving electric vehicles (EVs) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Terminals 1 & 2.

Pos Aviation

Central to this pioneering initiative is the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact and enhancing operational efficiency. In the POC trial, the Hangcha Aviation Tractor Model QSD320-XD2-MI (HCSD320-MI), an advanced EV tractor, will be put to the test in an authentic airport setting.

Moreover, the primary objective is to assess the viability and advantages of transitioning from their existing fleet of over 60 diesel-powered tractors to environmentally-friendly EVs. After all, many more sectors are adopting EVs here in Malaysia recently so this is only a natural next step towards sustainability.

Pos Aviation’s sustainability initiative involves deploying electric vehicles (EVs) to significantly reduce their carbon footprint and enhance airport operations’ environmental efficiency. This will barely make a dent, in my opinion, given how much jet fuel aeroplanes burn but hey, at least it’s something, right?

By adopting EVs, the company expects lower maintenance costs and higher energy efficiency, enabling substantial operational savings. These savings will be directed towards advancing sustainability initiatives and environmental conservation efforts. Maybe this could even make flights cheaper if the airlines save more money here.

Pos Aviation

On top of that, the one-month trial period commenced on 1 November 2023 and concludes on 1 December 2023. Throughout this duration, comprehensive data will be meticulously collected and analysed to evaluate the performance, efficiency, and environmental benefits of the EV tractor.

Should the trial yield positive outcomes, Pos Aviation is committed to transitioning its entire fleet to electric vehicles. Upon the successful completion of the trial, Pos Aviation envisions an ambitious roadmap that involves the widespread deployment of EVs across various facets of its operations, encompassing baggage and cargo handling, as well as maintenance services.

This comprehensive approach seamlessly aligns with Pos Aviation’s dedication to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. After all, sustainability is becoming more of a priority across the globe so hopefully this yields positive results and can commence at all airports in the country for even greater sustainability.

Pos Aviation

As a subsidiary of Pos Malaysia, Pos Aviation shares the same commitment as its parent company in exploring additional sustainable alternatives. Together, they aspire to contribute significantly to a greener and more environmentally conscious future, fostering a paradigm shift in the aviation industry’s environmental practices.

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