BMW is getting ready to introduce a front-wheel drive compact roadster, the ‘Z2’ in 2016. BMW already has the rather popular Z4 in their lineup and now with the Z2 they want to compete head on with the upcoming Alfa/Mazda JV roadster. The Z2 will be about the size of the old Z3, but with front-wheel drive. BMW are looking to develop this roadster on their new modular UKL1 platform that underpins the new 2014 MINI. Interestingly enough, the rumor adds that the front-wheel drive Z2 could be powered by BMW i3’s turbocharged 1.5-liter 3-cylinder engine and a number of 2.0-liter petrol and diesel 4-cylinder engines with a possible range-topping ‘M’ version delivering almost 300bhp.
BMW Z2 Roadster Will Be Coming
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