
Published on November 9th, 2020 | by Amirul Mukminin


CMCO Until Dec 6: Here are the Do’s and Don’ts

Due to the drastic spike in positive COVID-19 cases, the government has announced that the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) will be imposed in all states in Malaysia, except Perlis, Kelantan and Pahang, from November 9 until December 6.

BHP diesel

This means that the public residing in the affected areas must restrict their movement under the new SOP. To save you from committing an offence, here are some of the travel-related things you can and can’t do during the CMCO according to the National Security Council (MKN):

  1. Inter-district travel is not allowed except for those with permission from PDRM.
  2. Only two people per household are allowed to go out to buy groceries and essentials.
  3. Commercial vehicles that transport goods and related to businesses are allowed to travel in or out of CMCO areas.
  4. Taxi, e-hailing services and food delivery services are allowed to operate from 6 am to 12 am.
  5. Any individuals who are outside the CMCO areas are allowed to return home with PDRM’s permission.
  6. Activities and services at airports and ports are allowed to operate. For air travels, individuals will have to obtain permission from PDRM.
  7. Public transport services such as buses, express buses, LRT/MRT/ERL/Monorail are allowed to operate. Individuals who use public transport for purposes other than going to work need to obtain permission from PDRM.

For more information, refer to the infographics below or visit the MKN website.

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