TechTalk Video Games

Published on December 20th, 2022 | by Sounder Rajen


Tesla Includes Video Games In Their Vehicles, Why?

Wouldn’t this video game feature just be a distraction?

So Tesla has added a new update to its cars whereby users can play Steam video games in some of its vehicles and Tesla has been apparently planning this for quite some time now. My only question is, why? Surely I can’t be the only one who thinks this is absolutely crazy and could cause accidents, right?

Video Games

To make matters worse, as part of a “holiday update” Tesla is adding things like Apple Music, a new in-cabin camera view, updated light show features and more. All of these are just unnecessary distractions and will only lead to even more accidents especially during the holiday season when we see more accidents anyway.

Moreover, Tesla announced this new video game update on Twitter (surprise, surprise) and stated that these features would be made available in new Model S and Model X vehicles. This likely means that Model S Plaid and Model X plaid vehicles released last year. Does this include imported Tesla vehicles in Malaysia?

I certainly hope not, otherwise, I would have to lock myself in my room for the entire holiday season. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit but in all honesty, I would be scared for my life knowing that someone could be behind the wheel of their Tesla playing Cyberpunk 2077 and gawking at Keanu Reeves instead of driving.

Video Games

On top of that, even though the Tesla self driving system works almost perfectly, heavy emphasis on the word ‘almost,’ it is nowhere near as reliable here in Malaysia and even then, why would you need to have a video game playing on your infotainment screen while driving?

I think this is crazy. Even if one may argue that it is more to keep the kids entertained on the journey, most kids these days have their own iPads and smartphones to play with so this video game feature will only serve as a distraction for the driver who needs to be alert at all times as self driving is still not fully safe or even predictable.

Furthermore, the driver needs no distractions regardless of how long the journey is or when it takes place. Plus even if your Tesla is capable of taking you to your destination autonomously the whole way, if the driver’s focus is on the video games instead of the road, he will not be able to react to any unexpected problems.

Video Games

The bottom line is, playing video games in one’s car while they are supposed to be driving is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. I hope this update does not cause any accidents this holiday season and we here at DSF would like to remind all our readers to drive safely and pay attention to the road. Happy holidays guys.

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