Automotive Diesel

Published on December 13th, 2023 | by Sounder Rajen


Diesel Subsidy To End, Will Used Diesel Vehicle Prices Dop?

With the government allowing diesel subsidies will 2024 finally be a good year?

We all know that used car prices are just as absurd as brand new car prices. Couple this with the scare we all had about the rumours of diesel no longer being subsidised next year (which is false) and we deduced prices would only go up. Now with the new information we have, we ask, will used diesel vehicle prices drop in 2024 instead?


So the Government has heard our cries of concern that diesel will not be subsidised in 2024 and has released an official statement yesterday regarding this. The statement by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost Of living stated, “The KPDN wishes to clarify that social media posts saying ‘diesel will not be subsidised as of 1 January 2024’ are all false”

Moreover, the statement went on to explain that it will begin a plot program in 2024 to test the efficacy of the “fleet card” and “mySubsidi” Diesel programs which will include 6 companies as well as individual owners of diesel vehicles. Essentially the subsidy will be given based on individual need as of 2024 instead of just in general.


Now obviously, we here at DSF do not condone any spreading of fake news as it can be potentially very harmful. As journalists, we have an ethical responsibility to not share fake news so we recommend our readers do not blindly believe everything they read and try to do their own research whenever possible.

Okay, so before we continue, I should clarify my earlier statement. Instead of the usual subsidy we are used to with petrol and diesel, the government is introducing a new form of subsidy that not just anyone from anywhere can come to Malaysia and take advantage of.

Drive-E 4 cylinder Diesel Engine - D5 Rear

On top of that, now any individual or business who wishes to receive a diesel subsidy will have to request for it online through the “fleet card system.” Eligible parties include buses (mini, express, school buses, public buses and intermediary buses), taxis, ambulances, hearses, rental cars and fire engines.

So now with all this, we ask, will used diesel vehicles end up going down in price from 2024? it seems likely considering this subsidy system should be much more effective compared to the current system, which many who don’t even need it take advantage of. What do you think?

Well, I honestly hope that used car prices, diesel or petrol, drop a bit next year regardless. I am honestly very tired of how expensive everything is these days and the fact that the reported inflation is nowhere near the real inflation boggles my mind as that is the “fakest fake news to ever fake news” yet no one talks about it.

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