The G-Wagon was a gift to incentivise the child to go to school, mine was the belt
Okay, so if you, like me, are occasionally on reddit (simply to see the dark side of humanity, not for anything detestable, ok?) then you know that for the posts regarding our beloved (although sometimes slightly infuriating) countrymen and their antics comes under the r/bolehland subreddit. Keep this in mind while I tell you a very funny (read: stupid) story.

A Malaysian couple decided to gift their five-year-old daughter, Fatima, a luxury SUV to inspire her to return to school. The idea came about after entrepreneur Farhana Zahra explained that Fatima had stopped attending school in January because of her illness. To encourage her daughter to resume her education, Farhana asked Fatima what she would like for her upcoming birthday. So Malaysia everything also boleh la.
Moreover, Fatima’s wish was to receive either a BMW or a Mercedes G Wagon. In response, Farhana made a deal with her daughter, asking her to promise that she would attend school regularly. In return, Farhana agreed to give Fatima the Mercedes G Wagon as a special birthday gift. To think, when I ask my mother for RM20, she slaps me and reminds me I earn a salary.

This is literally one of the silliest things I’ve ever read. A 5 year old shouldn’t need an incentive to go to school, she’s five. Also, assuming this story is even true, if her parents can afford to randomly purchase a G-Wagon for their 5 year old, they can also afford to hire a tutor or 50. What happened to beating our kids, people?
On top of that, obviously I am not condoning beating your kids, but I remember when I was growing up and the only incentive I received to go to school, even on days when I was terribly sick, was NOT being factory reset by 1 well placed slap from my mother or my father swinging the belt at me. These days, more kids are out of control and I blame gentle parenting.

Obviously, this is either a publicity stunt for the parents or a click bait. Either way, I am not done ranting, so I also want to point out, while so many Malaysians are struggling to survive and can barely afford food, there apparently are some who can simply afford a new Mercedes G-Wagon on a whim. The wealth disparity here is insane.

So what do you guys think about this? Is it a publicity stunt or just a hoax?